[zpanel]在centos上安装Zpanel 10.1.1和 10.1.0

2014年11月25日22:32:41 发表评论 47,449 views



The prefered version for ZPanel is currently CentOs 6.3  64bit.

The procedure is the same for 32bit or 64bit version, only the files name change.

IMPERATIVE : the installation must be done from a clean install of CentOs.

After clean install of  CentOs, first apply all updates with:

yum -y update

Note : during update, if you encounter a message telling that a package have been removed from repositories (qpid-cpp-client), remove it with:

yum -y remove qpid-cpp-client  then run again the update.

then reboot your server and continue with ZPanel install.



Install ZPanel 10.1.1 to CentOS 64/32bit:

You need to use one command line:

bash <(curl -Ss https://raw.github.com/zpanel/installers/master/install/CentOS-6_4/10_1_1.sh)

This works for 32 and 64 bits.

If you have issues with curl you can then:

1) Log to your server as root user:

sudo -i

2) Ensure you are in your home directory:


3) download the installer

wget https://raw.github.com/zpanel/installers/master/install/CentOS-6_4/10_1_1.sh

4) Make the installer executable
chmod +x 10_1_1.sh

5) Run the installer

6) Follow the on screen instructions during the installation.



7) Return to user lever ( or reboot server )


Install ZPanel 10.1.0 to CentOS 64bit:

1) Log to your server as root user:

sudo -i

2) Ensure you are in your home directory:

3) download the installer
wget -O installer-10-1-0-centos-64.sh.x https://github.com/zpanel/zpanelx/releases/download/10.1.0_orig/installer-10-1-0-centos-64.sh.x

If wget error, install wget:  yum install wget then redo wget and continue with install.

4) Make the installer executable
chmod +x installer-10-1-0-centos-64.sh.x

5) Install pre-required packages
yum install ld-linux.so.2 curl

6) Run the installer

7) Follow the on screen instructions during the installation.

8) Return to user lever


Install ZPanel 10.1.0 to CentOS 32bit:

1) Log to your server as root user:

sudo -i

2) Ensure you are in your home directory:

3) download the installer
wget -O installer-10-1-0-centos-32.sh.x https://github.com/zpanel/zpanelx/releases/download/10.1.0_orig/installer-10-1-0-centos-32.sh.x

If wget error, install wget:  yum install wget then redo wget and continue with install.

4) Make the installer executable
chmod +x installer-10-1-0-centos-32.sh.x

5) Install pre-required packages
yum install ld-linux.so.2 curl

6) Rrun the installer

7) Follow the on screen instructions during the installation.

8) Return to user lever

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